Outdoor Activities

Tillamook County Wellness (TCW) provides lots of great information about getting active outside. Visit the TCW website for even more information: https://tillamookcountywellness.org/

TCW Explore Your Outdoors BINGO

https://tillamookcountywellness.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/Bingo-Card-English.pdf https://tillamookcountywellness.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/Alphabetized-Bingo-Trail-Guide.pdf https://tillamookcountywellness.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/Bingo-Card-Spanish.pdf https://tillamookcountywellness.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/BINGO-Trail-Guide-Spanish.pdf

Explore Nature Tillamook County

Explore Nature is series of hikes, walks, paddles and outdoor adventures that encourage participants to get outside, get fit, and learn about the incredible place we call home. Explore Nature partners include volunteer, community and non-profit organizations offering meaningful nature-based experiences highlighting the unique beauty of Tillamook County and the work being done to preserve and conserve the area’s natural resources and natural resource-based economy. Currently, due to COVID-19 restrictions, all in-person events are on hold due to social distancing requirements but several online and virtual experiences are in development. For more information visit their website.

Tillamook Off-Road Trail Alliance (TORTA)

TORTA is a small group of avid Mountain Bikers working with the National Forest Service and local communities to bring mountain bike trails to Pacific City, Oregon. Visit their them on Facebook for more information and for the latest updates on new mountain biking trail systems in Tillamook County.

Tillamook Estuaries Partnership

Tillamook Estuaries Partnership is dedicated to conserving and restoring the five Tillamook County estuaries and watersheds in their entirety. Their work ranges from habitat restoration, water quality, education, water trails/guidebooks and much more! Visit their website or call them at 503-322-2222 for more information and opportunities that are available.

Two folks hike along a trail with the beach in the backgroundTillamook Forest Center

Whether you’re planning a family picnic in the woods, hoping to watch spawning salmon or looking for an adventurous climb to the top of a forest fire lookout, the Tillamook Forest Center is ready to be your Coast Range retreat. Visit their website or call them at 503-815-6800 for more information and opportunities that are available.

TCW Walking Groups

Staying active and having social support are keys to lifelong health. Joining a walking group is a fun way to get healthy. Find a group near you or consider starting your own! To add or update group information, contact nancy.kershaw@oregonstate.edu

NOTE: Walkers will be asked to follow safety precautions and maintain appropriate distance to help curb the spread of COVID-19. Walking groups are informal and volunteer led. Drop-ins welcome! Comfortable shoes, layers and rain gear recommended as most groups walk outdoors, rain or shine, year-round.


South County

Kiawanda Community Center (Pacific City) | Mon-Wed-Fri at 10 am | Coordinator: Kathy | katystar7@hotmail.com | 503-801-7448 (text)

Central County

Adventist Health Tillamook | Wednesdays at 12:15 pm | Meet at the hospital main entrance. Coordinator: Michelle | jenckmd@ah.org | 503-812-8354 Tillamook Junior High (Bud’s Fitness Trail) | Mon-Wed-Fri at 10 am | Meet by the Bud’s Fitness trail sign on Alder St. (West end of TJHS football field) Coordinator: Nancy | nancy.kershaw.911@gmail.com | 503-801-3193 Tillamook Junior High (Bud’s Fitness Trail) | Saturdays at 9 am | Meet in the TJHS parking lot. Coordinators: David | davidmast48@gmail.com | 503-812-6789 or Doris | dmast0526@gmail.com | 503-801-2944 Tillamook YMCA | Mon-Wed-Fri at 11 am | Meet in front of the YMCA Coordinator: Linda | siemprepime@outlook.com | 503-842-7850 Note: Open to everyone – do not need to be a YMCA member to participate | Contact coordinator to be added to the private Facebook group for info on schedule changes

A person stands in a sunny wheat field with arms outstretchedNorth County

Neah-Kah-Nie High School Track (Rockaway) | Tuesdays at 8 am | Coordinators: Patty | (503) 355-8040 or Lina | mamalinabest@gmail.com  

Location Varies

Tillamook Foot Cruisers | Saturdays at 10 am | Family friendly – children encouraged! Coordinator: Devona | devonataylor@gmail.com | 530-815-4889 Follow the Facebook Group “Tillamook Foot Cruisers” for weekly location information. Rockaway Beach Area | Get Fit with Rhonda & Friends | Wednesdays at 12 pm | Coordinator: Rhonda | Rhonda.mulholland@gmail.com | 503-322-5861 | Ask to join the private Facebook group “Get Fit with Rhonda & Friends” for weekly location information.